- You can pay a fine through the WHS ASB Webstore. Fix formatting issues on Google Docs: Click here.
- This Week at West for May 17 -- Click here.
- Technology Issues: Take this survey. Chrome Book same-day pickup, click here.
- Report/clear absences, parents call 310.533.4299 ext. 7800 or email [email protected].
- Office hours available, email for an appointment.
- Join the virtual Korean Culture Night on Friday, May 28 at 7pm via YouTube premiere.
- Support the PTSA Sponsored free Grad Night Event on June 4 -- Donate SeniorNightDonationFlyerFinal
- Return textbooks and chrome books this week. You will get class time.
- Check your library account; click on this link: "Log in" at the top. Click on the Account Details button on the right. Review your Status, Items Out, and charges. You can pay a fine through the WHS ASB Webstore.
- Tuesday 6/1 9:00 to 4:00
- Wednesday 6/2 8:30 to 4:00
- Thursday 6/3 8:30 to 4:00
- Friday 6/4 8:30 to 4:00
- Monday 6/7 -- 8:30 to 4:00
- Tuesday 6/8 8:30 to 4:00 -- All debts and materials must be returned by noon today.
- Pickup preordered yearbooks in café 5, at lunch; bring ID and receipt after 5/31.
- Cohort A Tues. (6/1) / Cohort B Wed. (6/2)
- Pickups for Distance Learners is Tues. or Wed., from 2:00 - 3:00 in Café 5. health screening upon entry.
- Yearbooks purchased after distribution dates can be picked up during lunch or after school in room 5108, with ID and receipt. See West High Web Store for the few remaining yearbooks.
- If you owe the library money, you will not be able to pick up your yearbook until that debt is paid. Your yearbook will be given to you by the librarian when you clear the debt and provide your clearance form.
- Last week of class June 1st through June 4th; RETURN BOOKS THIS WEEK.
- Grad night is June 4th from 7:00 to 10:00 -- Click here.
- Graduation Practice: Mon. and Tues., June 7 and 8, (NOT WEDNESDAY) from 9:00-11:30am
- Graduation tickets available after practice Monday -- 4 tickets each
- Graduation Wed., June 9 at 4pm; report to Gym/Pavilion by 3:00pm; it will last 1 hour.
- Break-in (test) your shoes. Iron or steam your gown. To steam it, hang it up in the bathroom when you shower. If that doesn't help, put it in the dryer with a damp cloth.
- The event will be live streamed.
- Men wear dress shoes, dress slacks; women wear nice dresses and should wear reasonable shoes. No spiked heels. This is a LONG walk on a soft track and squishy grass.
- Black masks required. Available for those who need them.
- Do NOT DECORATE your cap. If you do, you will be given a plain one.
- After graduation, exit immediately heading out the way you came in (West, towards the baseball fields). You will walk around and then exit out the front. Audience exits directly out the front. Choose a place to meet family off campus. No mingling on the field.
- Seniors will get a free graduation video via a link.
- Thursday June 10, diploma pick up, 9-10 in front of school -- Diplomas will NOT be mailed home.
- Friday June 11, Final Transcript Requests are due if you want transcripts sent to a college or university.
- I do not get notifications from Google Classroom. If you want to reach me, you must email.
- Review instructions and my comments before emailing me a question.
- Always include your first and last name and period number and letter in every email to all teachers.
- Come to class at least 3 minutes (or more) early to ensure you are not late.
Thursday and Friday / June 3 and 4
Discuss Grammar Sentences 13
Return books to the library.
Create a works cited page with the sources I have provided in Google Classroom.
Due end of period.
Tuesday and Wednesday / June 1 and 2
Return books to the library.
We will go over Grammar Sentences 13 next class.
Discuss work cited entries "The Lottery" -- NO works cited pages is required for this essay.
Read "The Lottery" -- Click here.
View The Lottery -- Click here.
Discuss "The Lottery" essay
Work on the essay. If you have time, view citation practice videos.
FD for "The Lottery" evaluation essay -- No works cited page required
For Periods 1 and 5 -- Due Wed., June 2 by 7am
For Period 2 -- Due Thurs., June 3 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / May 27 and 28
Discuss Grammar Sentences 12
Discuss "The Lottery" RD -- Peer review
Continue working
Read "The Lottery" -- Click here.
View The Lottery -- Click here.
The essay will be due mid-week.
There will be another citation page assignment, but not on "The Lottery."
Grammar Sentences 13
Due Sun., May 30 by 7am
Wednesday / May 26
Informational meetings and rally
Students not attending the rally must check-in or do asynchronous work in all Wednesday classes.
Monday and Tuesday / May 24 and 25
Review There There essay -- Add my comments to your Survival Check list.
Review "The Lottery" essay, especially in relation to the There There comments.
Rewrite one body paragraph of the There There essay
Copy and paste the paragraph twice on a new document.
Highlight corrections in the revised paragraph. If you delete something, just put a highlight mark where it used to be.
Fix the top one; leave the bottom one in its original form.
Use 1.5 line spacing and adjust margins and font to put all of the paragraphs on one page (if possible).
Due Thurs., May 27 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 12
Due Wed., May 26 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / May 20 and 21
Discuss Grammar Sentences 11
Discuss LR 20
Peer review
Time to write
Next RD due Sun., May 23 by 7am
Wednesday / May 19
Grammar Sentences 11
Due Thurs., May 20 by 7am
LR 20 -- Write a short essay 1.5+ pages arguing which version is more effective between The Lottery film and "The Lottery" written short story.
Read "The Lottery" -- Click here.
View The Lottery -- Click here.
MLA format, Double spaced, 1-2 sentence intro (with thesis last) and 1-2 sentence conclusion, Use quotes,
No research is required
RD due Thurs., May 20 by 7am
Monday and Tuesday / May 14 and 15
Discuss LR 18 -- Critique a review for There There on Good Reads
Reactions to this story first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948 -- Click here.
Read "The Lottery" -- Click here.
View The Lottery -- Click here.
LR 20 -- Write a short essay 1.5+ pages arguing which version is more effective between The Lottery film and "The Lottery" written short story.
MLA format, Double spaced, 1-2 sentence intro (with thesis last) and 1-2 sentence conclusion, Use quotes,
No research is required
RD due Thurs., May 20 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / May 13 and 14
If you didn't get the essay turned in this morning, you can still turn it in.
Each day that it is late will be a 10% deduction of points.
View video -- Click here.
The story -- Click here.
Reactions to this story first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948 -- Click here.
LR 19 -- Which is better between the film and the written story? Justify your answer with at least three body paragraphs.
LR 18 -- Critique a review for There There on Good Reads -- Click here
1 to 1.5 pages, MLA format, Double-spaced, Tiny intro and a one-sentence conclusion is fine.
Critique someone's review. If you want, you may compare 2 reviews.
No citation is required.
Due Sat., May 15, by 7am
Wednesday / May 12
If you didn't get the essay turned in this morning, you can still turn it in.
Each day that it is late will be a 10% deduction of points.
Video -- click here.
LR 18 -- Critique a review for There There on Good Reads -- Click here
1 to 1.5 pages, MLA format, tiny intro and a one-sentence conclusion is fine.
Critique someone's review. If you want, you may compare 2 reviews.
Due Sat., May 15, by 7am
Monday and Tuesday / May 10 and 11
Please take some stats surveys:
Discuss the essay
Peer Review
Final Draft will be 50 points: essay 40, works cited page 10
Due Wed., May 12 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / May 6 and 7
Please help a STATS student --
Review intro/conclusion samples
Review a body paragraph sample
Work on essay
RD 5 -- The complete paper
Include There There red lettering and color-coded highlights outside source quotes.
Resubmit into this assignment box. We will do a peer review on Monday and Tuesday.
Due Mon., May 10 by 7am
Final Draft will be 50 points: essay 40, works cited page 10
Due Wed., May 12 by 7am
Wednesday / May 5
Discuss Senior Activities so far
Work on essay
RD 5 -- The complete paper
Include There There red lettering and color-coded highlights outside source quotes.
We will do a peer review for this paper.
Due Thurs., May 6 by 7am
Final Draft will be 50 points: essay 40, works cited page 10
Due Tues., May 11 by 7am
Monday and Tuesday / May 3 and 4
Discuss intros and conclusions
Discuss the works cited page -- peer review
Work on essay
RD 5 -- The complete paper
Due Thurs., May 6 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / April 29 and 30
Un-submit intro/conclusion / add header and heading / remove labels / double space
Discuss intros and conclusions -- peer review
Discuss works cited entries
RD 4 Works Cited Page ONLY
Due Sun., May 2 at 7am
Work on essay
Wednesday / April 28
Always use the website for instructions, due dates and time requirements.
The article used yesterday to practice intertextual citation is now in yesterday's agenda.
Discuss Intros and Conclusions -- The samples that we go over in class will be posted in the instructions box of "4/29 RD3 -- Intro and conclusion only" assignment after class.
Revised intro and conclusion (only)
Due Thurs., Apr. 29 by 7am
Cut and paste your intro and conclusion onto a different document. Use 1 1/2 line spacing. Space a couple of times between the intro and the conclusion. If your content works, spend some time doing finetune edition. If you use another source in the intro (which is likely) be sure to keep the URL. You will be adding this to the works cited page. On Thursday, we will put together the works cited page and discuss titles.
Monday and Tuesday / April 26 and 27
Discuss Intros and Conclusions
Discuss what goes in the parenthesis.
Use this article to fill in the blanks on your Google Docs paper -- Click here.
Revised intro and conclusion (only) Due Thursday
Thursday and Friday / April 22 and 23
Finish Grammar Sentences 10
Discuss two different intros
Discuss creating titles
Full There There RD -- sans the works cited page
Due by Sun., Apr. 25 by 7am
We will do peer reviews and build the works cited page next week.
Wednesday / April 21
Discuss Grammar Sentences 10
Two different possible Intros for your essay
Due Thurs., Apr. 22 by 7am
Your body paragraphs should be done by now, but I'm not asking you to submit them right now.
Discuss Intro and Conclusion -- Click here for samples
For transitions highlighted -- Click here.
Monday and Tuesday / April 19 and 20
There There essay RD 1
You should have a good start on your thesis and body pars.
Discuss Intro and Conclusion -- Click here for samples
For transitions highlighted -- Click here.
Ultimately, you should have about 3 pages worth of body paragraphs, double spaced.
With the intro and conclusion, there will be about 4 pages. We will do the works cited page last. That will be on the last page all by itself.
Two different possible Intros for your essay
Due Thurs., Apr. 22 by 7am
Have a good start on your first draft by Monday. We will talk about intros and conclusions next.
Sample for Prep work -- Click here.
Sample for RD 1 -- Click here.
Grammar Sentences 10
Due Wed., Apr. 21 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / April 15 and 16
Finish Grammar Sentences 9
Discuss brackets for missing elements.
Work on Essay -- Look for There There essay RD 1 in Google Classroom.
Have a good start on your first draft by Monday. We will talk about intros and conclusions next.
Sample for Prep work -- Click here.
Sample for RD 1 -- Click here.
Grammar Sentences 10
Due Wed., Apr. 21 by 7am
Wednesday / April 14
Discuss Grammar Sentences 9
Monday and Tuesday / April 12 and 13
Discuss graded work and 3rd quarter grades.
Update the Survival Checklist -- Un-submit to do the work and submit again after you've updated.
Review my comments for LR 15, LR 16, and LR 17.
Discuss next step in character analysis essay.
PREP work for There There essay Step 3 -- Put quotes together according to subtopics. Title these sections. Do more research as needed. You should aim for about 4 subtopics, but 3 or 5 are also reasonable. There is a new assignment box for this document.
The Things Fall Apart sample -- click here.
Due Thurs., Apr. 15 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 9
Due Wed., Apr. 14 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / April 1 and 2
Finish discussing Grammar Sentences 8
Work on and discuss more of "Blue" quotes
Due Mon., Apr. 5 by 7am
Work on There There essay
Step 2 expectations by Sunday morning: Have at least 6 quotes from at least 3 sources and at least 8 quotes from There There. Be sure to highlight the quotes from the sources. Personality trait quotes in yellow, dysfunctional personality trait quotes in green (if you could find some), other quotes in different (light colored) highlighting per article. Be sure to include something identifying the source and the URL (for later use). For the There There quotes, please include a teensy bit of context (if needed) but don't bother with analysis. Students have begun to write full paragraphs. I don't want to see that. If you don't want to delete a paragraph, cut and paste it to another document and then delete it. The paper I'm looking for will be just a series of quotes and source info.
It is time to tighten your focus to one personality trait. However, if two work great, you may continue with both. Remember that you will ultimately end up with at least 25 quotes, so if you have more than the requisite number at this point, that's great. You also don't have to have There There quotes for every source quote. Sometimes writers abandon a path that does not inspire them. Even abandoned quotes count toward the 25.
This paper might be worth more than 5 points. I haven't decided, yet.
Due Sun., Apr. 4 by 7am
Wednesday / March 31
Discuss Grammar Sentences 8
Continue to work on your There There essay. We will work on this for part of class Thurs/Fri.
I will have a couple of check points this upcoming week to see that you are moving forward.
I want to see several quotes from personality traits -- Click here. Highlight these quotes in yellow.
Under each of those quotes, there should be quotes from the book, with a teensy bit of context. Skip the analysis for now. Do not write paragraphs, yet.
You should be reading the "Strengths" and "Weaknesses" and other extras this site provides as well for source quotes.
What you should have by now: Provide at least one quote from each of the two personality traits you've selected and at least 4 quotes total from the novel.
Next step: Provide at least two quotes from the personality disorder source or sources if you can.
For Yvette Brazier -- Click here; For Elizabeth Hanes, click here
If you cannot find a disorder that works for you character, search personality traits; eg. the drawbacks of extreme shyness, benefits of a temper, how disfigurement causes emotional distress, pitfalls and perks of being raised by a non-parent family member, etc. Psychology Today is prolific with articles but there are other sources that can be good, too.
Ultimately, you will need at least three sources for this paper. Your works cited page will have at least four entries since There There will be among them.
You should have at least 25 quotes before you being writing this essay. Each different source should be highlighted in a different color.
Monday and Tuesday / March 29 and 30
Discuss LR 15 -- "Dene," "Opal," "Edwin" pp. 239-47
Discuss LR 17 --
1. What surprised you?
2. Which character(s) impressed you?
3. Which character(s) disappointed you?
4. How do you feel about the end?
5. Orange left many situations unresolved. Provide at least 5 questions you would like answered.
Discuss the There There essay prep:
Choose a character -- Click here.
Decide which two personality traits identify that character -- Click here.
Discuss the Things Fall Apart model.
Choose a personality disorder -- Click here. -- By Yvette Brazier
For another source on personality disorders, Click here. -- By Elizabeth Hanes, RN
Thursday and Friday / March 25 and 26
Discuss "Blue" quotes
Discuss LR 16 "Calvin," Daniel," Jacquie" pp. 248-55 -- Links, etc.
Discuss LR 17 --
1. What surprised you?
2. Which character(s) impressed you?
3. Which character(s) disappointed you?
4. How do you feel about the end?
5. Orange left many situations unresolved. Provide at least 5 questions you would like answered.
Discuss LR 12 quotes for "Blue" 197-207
Work on There There Essay Prep
Choose a character -- Click here for a list.
Decide which two personality traits identify that character -- Click here.
Pull at least one quote from each of the two types you choose. Then, pull at least two quotes from one or more scenes that exemplify your claim that supports your choice.
This is not in MLA format as far as line spacing goes, but you must continue to follow all of the quote structure expectations we have already established.
Get started today. We will continue to work on this for part of class tomorrow.
Just this first step is due Sat., Mar. 27 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 8
Due Tues., Mar. 30 by 7am
Wednesday / March 24
Students coming to in-person instruction, please bring There There, your class notes that you have been taking when we go over grammar work, blank paper to write on and pens and pencils to write with. If you have a device, bring it to school.
Discuss LR 17 --
1. What surprised you?
2. Which character(s) impressed you?
3. Which character(s) disappointed you?
4. How do you feel about the end?
5. Orange left many situations unresolved. Provide at least 5 questions you would like answered.
Discuss LR 12 quotes for "Blue" 197-207
There There Essay prep --
Choose a character -- Click here for a list.
Decide which two personality traits identify that character -- Click here.
Pull at least one quote from each of the two types you choose. Then, pull at least two quotes from one or more scenes that exemplify your claim that supports your choice.
This is not in MLA format as far as line spacing goes, but you must continue to follow all of the quote structure expectations we have already established.
Get started today. We will continue to work on this for part of class tomorrow.
Monday and Tuesday / March 22 and 23
Discuss quote revision for "Blue" pp. 197-207
Discuss Grammar Sentences 7
Discuss LR 16 "Calvin," Daniel," Jacquie" pp. 248-55 -- Links, etc.
LR 17 -- Finish There There
Considering that some pages are not full, this amounts to about about 30 pages of reading, so plan accordingly. Since these chapters will wrap up the powwow, it would be good to read all of them together. Then provide a one paragraph answer to each of the following questions (except for #5). Include at least 3 bolded quotes anywhere in this assignment. Provide the question before the answer. Do not use first- or second-person pronouns. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
1. What surprised you?
2. Which character(s) impressed you?
3. Which character(s) disappointed you?
4. How do you feel about the end?
5. Orange left many situations unresolved. Provide at least 5 questions you would like answered.
Due Wed., Mar. 24 by 7am
Friday / March 19
New bell schedule starting Thursday, March 25
Name pronunciations for graduation
Add my feedback (and any other issues you've noticed) from your LR work to your Survival Checklist.
Discuss quotes from "Blue" pp. 197-207
Discuss LR 16 "Calvin," "Daniel," Jacquie" pp. 248-55
Grammar Sentences 7
Due Mon., Mar. 22 by 7am
LR 17 -- Finish There There -- Considering that some pages are not full, this amounts to about 30 pages of reading, so plan accordingly. Since these chapters will wrap up the powwow, it would be good to read all of them together. Then provide a one paragraph answer to each of the following questions (except for #5). Include at least 3 bolded quotes anywhere in this assignment. Provide the question before the answer. Do not use first- or second-person pronouns. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
1. What surprised you?
2. Which character(s) impressed you?
3. Which character(s) disappointed you?
4. How do you feel about the end?
5. Orange left many situations unresolved. Provide at least 5 questions you would like answered.
Due Wed., Mar. 24 by 7am
Thursday -- March 18 -- Teacher prep day -- no class
Tuesday and Wednesday / March 16 and 17
Discuss LR 16 -- "Calvin," "Daniel," Jacquie" pp. 248-55
Discuss LR 15 -- "Dene," "Opal," "Edwin" pp. 239-47
Discuss LR 12 quotes for "Blue" 197-207 -- This assignment was graded for basic expectations (5pts.).
Monday -- March 15 -- Student-free Day
Thursday and Friday / March 11 and 12
Discuss this upcoming week's schedule -- Click here.
Discuss grade updates.
Discuss LR 12 quotes for "Blue" 197-207 -- This assignment was graded for basic expectations (5pts.).
LR 13 was graded as pass/fail (3pts.). Student in compliance with basic expectations were awarded 1 extra credit point.
LR 14 was graded just for having completed the assignment and turning it in on time (3pts.).
LR 15 will be graded for compliance with all expectations.
After reviewing recent (and perhaps past) graded LR work, revise LR 15. Pay attention to instructions and all of the writing strategies you have been taught. Refer to your Survival Checklist, too. Add any additional problems you notice in your LR work to your Survival Checklist. And the USE IT. Stop making the same silly mistakes and watch your writing (and grades) improve.
Revision due for 1st and 3rd on 3/12 and for 2nd on 3/13 all by 7am that day
LR 16 There There "Calvin," "Daniel," Jacquie" pp. 248-55 -- This assignment might be graded for skills.
Read these chapters. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of any chapter. Then, write one paragraph for each chapter. Add a label for the different chapters. Include two significant quotes in each paragraph. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Mon., Mar. 15 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 7 -- Pending
Wednesday / March 10
Fine Arts Assembly scheduled for period 4 -- click here.
Discuss Grammar Sentences 6
Discuss LR 14 -- "Orvil," "Tony," "Blue" pp. 229-38
Discuss LR 15 -- "Dene," "Opal," "Edwin" pp. 239-47
Monday and Tuesday / March 8 and 9
Discuss LR 13 -- General Reflection -- "Thomas Frank" pp. 208-25
Discuss LR 14 -- General reflection -- "Orvil," "Tony," "Blue" pp. 229-38
Images and information for "Thomas Frank" -- Eczema and then discuss James Hampton teacher notes
Discuss quotes for LR 12 -- Blue pp. 197-207
Grammar Sentences 6
Due Tues, Mar. 9 by 7am
LR 15 There There "Dene," "Opal," "Edwin" pp. 239-47
Read these chapters. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of any chapter. Then, write one paragraph for each chapter. Include two significant quotes in each paragraph. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Wed. Mar. 10 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / March 4 and 5
Octavio video clips -- Mourning Doves (179-80) and Badgers (183-85).
Discuss LR 11 -- Daniel quotes (Pond vs. Bridge)
Discuss LR 12 -- Blue pp. 197-207 -- Ceremony info and Ceremony video
Discussion, peer review for LR 13 -- "Thomas Frank" pp. 208-25
Images and information for "Thomas Frank" -- Eczema and then discuss James Hampton teacher notes
LR 14 There There "Orvil," "Tony," "Blue" pp. 229-38
Read these chapters. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of any chapter. Then, write one paragraph for each chapter. Include two significant quotes in each paragraph. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Sun., Mar. 7 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 6
Due Tues, Mar. 9 by 7am
LR 15 There There "Dene," "Opal," "Edwin" pp. 239-47
Read these chapters. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of any chapter. Then, write one paragraph for each chapter. Include two significant quotes in each paragraph. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Wed. Mar. 10 by 7am
Wednesday / March 3
Discuss Grammar Sentences 5
Discuss LR 12 -- Blue
View video clips for LR 13 -- Thomas
Peer Review
LR 13 There There "Thomas Frank" pp. 208-25
Read this chapter. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of this chapter. Then, write 2 paragraphs, each with at least 2 significant quotes. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Wed., Mar. 3 by 7am
Monday and Tuesday / March 1 and 2
Discuss LR 11 -- Octavio p. 171 and Daniel p. 187
Discuss LR 12 -- Blue
View video clips for LR 13 -- Thomas
Peer Review
Grammar Sentences 5
Due Tues., Mar. 2 by 7am
LR 13 There There "Thomas Frank" pp. 208-25
Read this chapter. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of this chapter. Then, write 2 paragraphs, each with at least 2 significant quotes. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Wed., Mar. 3 by 7am
Thursday and Friday / February 25 and 26
Finish discussion about Bridge vs. Pond quotes.
Discuss quotes from LR 11
If you earned a 0 to 3.5 on LR 11, you must attend workshop Monday at 2:00.
That includes students who didn't do the work.
I will host this same workshop on Monday at 2:00.
LR 12 There There "Blue" pp. 197-207
Read this chapter. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of this chapter. Then, write 2 paragraphs, each with at least 2 significant quotes. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Sun., Feb. 28 by 7am
Grammar Sentences 5
Due Tues., Mar. 2 by 7am
LR 13 There There "Thomas Frank" pp. 208-25
Read this chapter. Create a theme that could apply to any aspect of this chapter. Then, write 2 paragraphs, each with at least 2 significant quotes. Think pond, not bridge. Follow the context, quote, analysis structure. Set up dialogue and narration quotes correctly. Include an MLA header and heading. Use 1.5 line spacing to condense the writing.
Due Wed., Mar. 3 by 7am
Wednesday / February 24
Discuss Q3 Progress Reports
Discuss Grammar Sentences 4
Finish discussion about Bridge vs. Pond quotes.
If you earned a 0 to 3.5 on LR 11, you must attend workshop on Thursday at 2:00.
That includes students who didn't do t