AQWF Vocabulary LIsts
AQWF List #1
1 queue noun a line or sequence of persons, cars, etc. waiting their turn to be served or to
Proceed / noun a pigtail or plait of hair
Verb computing a list of data items, commands, etc. stored to be retrieved in a specific
2. disconcerted verb disturbed the composure of; agitated; flustered
Verb spoiled or upset (plans etc.)
Adv. Disconcertedly, disconcertingly; adj. disconcerting; noun disconcertion
3. ostracize verb to exclude (a person) from society, favor, common privileges, etc.
Refuse to associate with -- ostracism
4. juxtapose verb to place (things) side by side noun juxtaposition adj. juxtapositional
5. gamut noun the whole series or range or scope of anything
6. discomfiture noun the state of being baffled or thwarted, let down
verb discomfit, discomfited, discomfiting
7. revile verb to abuse, to criticize abusively, to talk abusively, to rail
nouns revilement, reviler, reviling (reviling is a noun not a verb despite its appearance.)
8. restive adj. fidgety, restless
regarding a horse – refusing to advance, stubbornly standing still or moving backwards or
sideways, refractory (headstrong, unruly)
regarding a person – unmanageable, rejecting control
adv. restively / noun restiveness
9. levies verb to impose (a rate or toll), to raise (as in a tax)
a body of troops enrolled
verb levy adj. leviable
10. laconically adverb done briefly, concisely, tersely
adj. laconic noun laconicism
11. conjectures verb the formation of an opinion on incomplete information; guessing
adj. conjecturable
12. instantaneous adj. Occurring or done in an instant or instantly
noun instantaneity, instantaneousness / adv instantaneously
13. parapet noun a low wall at the edge of a roof, balcony, etc. or along the sides of a bridge
a defense of earth or stone to conceal and protect troops
adj. parapeted
14. chafed verb to make or to become sore or damaged by rubbing
verb to rub (the skin to restore warmth or sensation )
verb to make or become annoyed, fret
15. saveloy noun British a seasoned red pork sausage, dried and smoked, and sold ready to eat
AQWF List #2
1. suppley -- flexible, pliant; easily bent
2. indefatigable -- of a person or quality that cannot be tired out
3. concord -- agreement or harmony between people or things
4. decorum -- seemliness, propriety, etiquette
5. remonstrance – the act or an instance of protesting, arguing forcibly, expostulating
6. lorries (lorry) – a large motor vehicle for transporting goods
7. aspirants – one who has a strong ambition or desire for something
8. insatiable – unable to be satisfied; extremely greedy
9. vile – disgusting, morally base, depraved, shameful
10. reminiscences -- the act of remembering things past; a past fact or experience remembered
11. carcase (carcass) – the dead body of an animal, the human body, living or dead
12. acrid – bitterly pungent, irritating, corrosive
13. reverberation – sound, light or heat being returned or echoing repeatedly
14. bayonet – a stabbing blade attachable to the muzzle or a rifle
15. annihilation – the complete destruction of something
1 queue noun a line or sequence of persons, cars, etc. waiting their turn to be served or to
Proceed / noun a pigtail or plait of hair
Verb computing a list of data items, commands, etc. stored to be retrieved in a specific
2. disconcerted verb disturbed the composure of; agitated; flustered
Verb spoiled or upset (plans etc.)
Adv. Disconcertedly, disconcertingly; adj. disconcerting; noun disconcertion
3. ostracize verb to exclude (a person) from society, favor, common privileges, etc.
Refuse to associate with -- ostracism
4. juxtapose verb to place (things) side by side noun juxtaposition adj. juxtapositional
5. gamut noun the whole series or range or scope of anything
6. discomfiture noun the state of being baffled or thwarted, let down
verb discomfit, discomfited, discomfiting
7. revile verb to abuse, to criticize abusively, to talk abusively, to rail
nouns revilement, reviler, reviling (reviling is a noun not a verb despite its appearance.)
8. restive adj. fidgety, restless
regarding a horse – refusing to advance, stubbornly standing still or moving backwards or
sideways, refractory (headstrong, unruly)
regarding a person – unmanageable, rejecting control
adv. restively / noun restiveness
9. levies verb to impose (a rate or toll), to raise (as in a tax)
a body of troops enrolled
verb levy adj. leviable
10. laconically adverb done briefly, concisely, tersely
adj. laconic noun laconicism
11. conjectures verb the formation of an opinion on incomplete information; guessing
adj. conjecturable
12. instantaneous adj. Occurring or done in an instant or instantly
noun instantaneity, instantaneousness / adv instantaneously
13. parapet noun a low wall at the edge of a roof, balcony, etc. or along the sides of a bridge
a defense of earth or stone to conceal and protect troops
adj. parapeted
14. chafed verb to make or to become sore or damaged by rubbing
verb to rub (the skin to restore warmth or sensation )
verb to make or become annoyed, fret
15. saveloy noun British a seasoned red pork sausage, dried and smoked, and sold ready to eat
AQWF List #2
1. suppley -- flexible, pliant; easily bent
2. indefatigable -- of a person or quality that cannot be tired out
3. concord -- agreement or harmony between people or things
4. decorum -- seemliness, propriety, etiquette
5. remonstrance – the act or an instance of protesting, arguing forcibly, expostulating
6. lorries (lorry) – a large motor vehicle for transporting goods
7. aspirants – one who has a strong ambition or desire for something
8. insatiable – unable to be satisfied; extremely greedy
9. vile – disgusting, morally base, depraved, shameful
10. reminiscences -- the act of remembering things past; a past fact or experience remembered
11. carcase (carcass) – the dead body of an animal, the human body, living or dead
12. acrid – bitterly pungent, irritating, corrosive
13. reverberation – sound, light or heat being returned or echoing repeatedly
14. bayonet – a stabbing blade attachable to the muzzle or a rifle
15. annihilation – the complete destruction of something
- sufficed – to be enough or adequate; to meet the needs of
- quarrying – hunting a prey; excavate stone; to extract facts from a source
- belaboured – (belabored American spelling) to thrash; beat; attack verbally; argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail; harped on
- impinges – to make an impact (upon); have an effect (upon); encroaches
- quixotic – extravagantly and romantically chivalrous; naively idealistic; impractical; quixotically adverb / quixotism noun / from the name of Don Quixote hero in Cervantes’ romance
- silhouettes – an image where the outline is shown dark on a lighter background
- dementing – insanity producing; adj. Demented, noun dementedness; archaic noun dement=crazy person.
- fortnight – two weeks (from an Old English word meaning fourteen nights) You would say Tuesday fortnight to mean 2 weeks from Tuesday.
- dispel – dissipate, disperse; scatter; dispelled, dispelling dispeller
- importune – to solicit (a person) pressingly; to solicit for an immoral purpose; to persist with repeated requests
- equanimity – mental composure, evenness of temper, esp. in misfortune adj. equanimous
- inducement – incentive; an attraction that leads one on
- congealed – to make or become semi-solid by cooling; to coagulate (blood) jelled
- insensate – without physical sensation; unconscious; without sensibility; unfeeling, numb, anesthetized; stupid; adv. Insensately noun insensibility
- dinned – a prolonged loud and distracting noise; to hav e something instilled by constant repetition